

TV series "Idaten"

We supported the TV series "Idaten"
10/27/2019 Domestic drama
Original StoryKankuro Kudo
MusicYoshihide Otomo
Starring Sadao Abe, Kankuro Nakamura
Location:Shiba Park


The film tells the story of the first Japanese person to participate in the Olympic Games, Shizo Kanakuri, and Masaji Tabata who invited the Olympics to Japan. 
Without these two, Japan’s Olympic story would never have been. 
A star-studded cast portrays the turbulent half-century leading up to the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. Watching this drama is sure to change the way you view the Tokyo Olympics!

Making of the film

During filming, the park was filled with the laughter of children dressed in costumes from that era and a loud chorus of cicadas. A relaxed mood pervaded entire shoot.