

Movie "Tokyo ghoul" is now released

The film "Tokyo ghoul" supported by Tokyo Location Box is now released.
04/27/2018 Domestic film
Original StorySui Ishida
DirectorKentaro Hagiwara
ScriptIchiro Kusuno
Starring Masataka Kubota,Fumika Shimizu,
Nobuyuki Suzuki,Hiyori Sakurada,
Yu Aoi, Yo Oizumi
ProductionGeek Sight
Location:Higashi Nihombashi (Chuo Ward)


In Tokyo, the shy student Kaneki Ken dates the girl Kamishiro Rize and while in a lonely park, she attacks him since she is a flesh-eater ghoul. Kaneki escapes but soon he learns that he has become a ghoul. He befriends a group of peaceful ghouls and tries to live his new life with them. However they are hunted down by relentless two police officers from the Ghoul Division in charge of eradicate ghouls from their district.

Making of the film

The pedestrian street in the valley of buildings that stretches from Iwamoto-town to Hama-town, where the film was shot, was formerly a canal. To take action scenes until midnight, we made courtesy calls to all the stores and apartments in the neighborhood in advance. Don’t miss the scenes with our full power!